6 Nov 2013

Hi Social Media Communication Tools Explained!.

Hi Social Media Communication Tools Explained!.

The Following is the first of many publications discussing & highlighting the different classifications & types of Social Media we are exposed to and are used and found in Today's Digital Media with their main key function between users is to act as a platform tool for information & its exchange. These are vary diverse strong effective communication tools online in today's society & have previously existed in other less obvious forms.
What Choices are You Ready To Make & Where?
As you read the article we hope it will give and gain a better understanding into the foundation & core of the social media & its use fullness for an individual or collective business approach or communication tool.

Finally i would like to introduce to you the knowingness of your social media online individual identity as a user who might fit in one or more user categories explained below and may further diversify according the Social Media used as suggested in the article above. 

Below is 6 different Social Media users, and which category will you fit in?

Here’s a quick summary of what each one does, or doesn't:

The Creator

This is the person who creates social media for the world to see. This type of user will publish blog posts or web pages, upload videos/images/audio and share content online.

The Critic

The person who responds to content posted by others. Posts ratings and reviews of products and services, comments on blogs and forums and contributes to articles in a wiki.

The Collector

The person who organizes content for themselves or others using RSS feeds, social bookmarking (ex: Digg) and photo or page tagging.

The Joiner

The type of person who joins social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter and maintains multiple profiles.

The Spectator

This type is probably the most common – The person who reads blogs, views user-generated videos (ex: YouTube), reads online forums, listens to podcast and frequently searches for user reviews and ratings.

The Inactive

The person who is online but in no way participates in any form of social media. Doesn't post anything or read anything which is user-generated content. This type is becoming rarer as more websites integrate elements of social media into their website.

Below is an info-graphic released by Forrester Research which shows which US age groups are most common for each of the types mentioned above.

Click Image To Enlarge

Hi Glassdoor Media!

Hi Glassdoor Media!
"Get Hired, Love Your Job, Start Here!."

Hi 5 Steps To Effective Social Media Measurement!.

Hi 5 Steps To Effective Social Media Measurement!.
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