Hi eBook: Does Social Media Affect SEO?
One of the most heavily debated topics in today's digital marketing circles is whether or not success on social media translates to a bump in search ranking in the major search engines.
SEO experts are firmly planted on both sides of the fence, with some saying social has no effect on SEO rankings, and others saying it absolutely does. The truth may lie somewhere in between.
Download our informative eBook to explore the correlation between social media and search rankings. The eBook covers:
- The top 5 ranking factors.
- What your social signals tell search engines.
- Using social influence to obtain quality links.
- Tips and a checklist to help increase your search rankings.
STEP 2: Download Your Bonus Social Media & SEO Resource:
*eBook: Facebook's Rules of Engagement:
Learn Facebook’s Rules of Engagement so you can make your content more sharable and searchable – and avoid violating the terms of service.