28 Nov 2013

Hi Your Critical Evaluation Skills Examined - Reflective Learning.

Hi, Are You A Critical Thinker?
Evaluate Your Social Media, "Evaluate Your Thinking"

Use your critical evaluation skills to assess whether you are a critical  thinker in everyday life. For each of the questions, answer the question with that best describes the type of person you are. 

Critical evaluation in your everyday life 

Answers choice of; 1- Almost always 2- Sometimes 3 - Almost never 
Questions to answer; 

1- I am curious about things 
2- I do not take things at face value but like to examine and question them 
3- I relate ideas to my previous knowledge, experience and wider context 
People might describe me as opinionated, but I can always give reasons for 
my opinion 
4- I like to be innovative and creative 
5- I like to evaluate all sides of an argument 
6- I don’t like it when people make statements and give opinions without 
having evidence to support what they are saying 
7- I like to reflect on things before, during and particularly after the event 
8- When other things occur that are related to what I have been doing, I’ll 
think and sometimes talk about how they connect 

Which columns did you tick for which question? 
Is there a pattern to your responses? 
Does this have implications for your learning? 
If you scored: Mainly almost always - Well done, you are obviously a critical thinker, practice these skills and apply them to your students and you’ll do. 

Mostly almost never - You might want to have ago at using some of the skills identified in the questions and try using them in your daily, but especially relate them to your studies. 

This brief overview of evaluation of your style of thinking that may or may not imply that of critical thinking trends or the many commonalities of this type of thinking to be critical and the evaluation of such thinking  helps engage the link between social media and critical thinking approach. The attributes of the advantages and the link between social media of critical thinking would be trends visible in the outcomes of what of social media impacts & aspects it reflects. 

A simply summarized as that ...., Critical thinking is a critical competence in the information society

For some it’s a natural attitude. But for most people that’s a new reflex, behavior and attitude to adopt. But where and when ? As is many other fields like collaboration, good practices are learned at school. But, according to my own experience, the system is designed to deliver an unquestionable true. I even remind of teachers who considered any question as being questioned themselves. And the more we wait the more bad habits take root. Recently a french teacher set a trap for his students. He built false sites and Wikipedia pages about an author that never existed. Nearly none of of them cross-checked, questioned the information and they all fell in the trap. Don’t expert this competence to be taught at work either. Enterprises are not the kind of place where people who question things, doubt, double-check information are appreciated.

Those who own the knowledge should teach others to question it Questioning information is too often mistaken with questioning the one who delivers it. In hierarchical systems like enterprises or school, the one who should teach critical thinking is also the one who delivers information and they may think that if others question information they’ll question their own relevance. A matter of ego, a misunderstanding but that’s a big issue.

Anyway, critical thinking becomes essential to the good functioning of our society and enterprises and that’s a major competence in the information era. If we want to trust people, our children, employees, staff and their ability to make the right decisions in this context we should first teach them to question anything they’re told, anything they read. Even if it comes from us. Paradoxical but vital -  "Critical Thinking"

Hi Social Constructivism! New Trends of old approaches in Social Media.

The (Hi) New of The Old. A learning Approach To 

Building Social Knowledge.

Here we highlight the importance of An Understanding of What is Social Constructivism in social media?

Social constructivism emphasizes the importance of culture and context in understanding what occurs in society and constructing knowledge based on this understanding.

Shifting Your Social Media Knowledge of Approach

Social constructivism is based on specific assumptions about reality, knowledge, and learning. To understand and apply models of instruction that are rooted in the perspectives of social constructivists, it is important to know the premises that underlie them.
Reality: Social constructivists believe that reality is constructed through human activity. Members of a society together invent the properties of the world (Kukla, 2000). For the social constructivist, reality cannot be discovered: it does not exist prior to its social invention.
Knowledge: To social constructivists, knowledge is also a human product, and is socially and culturally constructed (Ernest, 1999; Gredler, 1997; Prat & Floden, 1994). Individuals create meaning through their interactions with each other and with the environment they live in.
Learning: Social constructivists view learning as a social process. It does not take place only within an individual, nor is it a passive development of behaviors that are shaped by external forces (McMahon, 1997). Meaningful learning occurs when individuals are engaged in social activities.

Deeper Than the Surface "Structural Overviews"
Success of The Social Media content article attributes

Focus is on “what is signified”. 

Relates previous knowledge to new knowledge. 

Relates knowledge from different courses. 

Relates theoretical ideas to everyday experience. 

Relates and distinguishes evidence and argument.

Organizes and structures content into coherent whole. 

Emphasis is internal, from within the individual.

Hi Mapping & Management Tools & Apps.

Hi,Thinking About Thinking
Section A:

Thoughts That Conclude The Increase of The Online Learning Engagement interaction.  

If Your Thinking About Thinking then we highly recommend you download A Mapping Tools; Download this free mind map tool that is available for a 30 day trial click here for the following link Download. The Free Alternative if FreeMind Mapping Software click following link here to download. 

Useful Tool for Brain storming, mind mapping & organization, Highly recommended for download.

Section B:

15 Awesome time management tools & apps.


Launchy is a tool for Windows users and as the name indicates, it helps launch files, folders, and programs in a single keystroke instead of searching through the start menu or file manager. A huge timesaver.


Quicksilver is an awesome Mac-based tool which is like an advanced

 version of Launchy. Apart from helping Mac users in launching apps, it also helps in tasks like running scripts, sending email , etc.


Hyperwords is a Firefox add-on and based on my personal experience, I can say that it is immensely useful. Take a peak at the image to the right. Essentially, you highlight a word and right click to a world of new options. I highly recommend it.

Autohotkey / Memokeys

Autohotkey is the Windows counterpart of Quicksilver. It helps you in automating repetitive tasks and assigning shortcut keys to them. Memokeys is similar, probably easier to use.

Google Calendar

Like all Google tools, Google Calendar is a very simple but very effective calendar app which has a huge number of features to help you remember important dates, create schedules and synchronize them across multiple devices.


RescueTime is a comprehensive web-based time management app. After an install, it gives you an amazing analysis of the time you spend on your computer everyday. It works in the background so it's not reliant on you entering any data. You just need to install their app and it does the rest. See the image on the right for a sample of the output 


WakeupOnStandby can wake up your system from stand-by or hibernation mode and automatically perform scheduled tasks like running a program or a process. It is Windows only.


Remember I talked about making your to-do list doable and keeping certain important tasks first in the list ?NowDoThis, which is a super-simple to-do list app will help you do just the same. And yes, it's the quickest too.


Checkvist is a task list manager which I have recently started using. It is extremely simple and there are two great things about it : It supports hierarchical lists and it has some cool keyboard shortcuts which let you edit tasks in a snap.


Evernote is probably the best note-taking app. So how does it help in time management ? Well, first it works online, on Windows & Mac and on your cellphone too. It lets you quickly capture things like web clips, images, audio and share them. Also your notes are always synchronized across multiple devices. Hence it saves you more time then any other such app.


Lastpass is certainly my favorite password manager in the list of password managers I talked about sometime back. It is browser based, easy-to-use, feature rich and helps in generating passwords and filling forms quickly and easily.


Toggl is a simple and very useful time tracking tool which lets you track and analyze the time you spend while working on different projects.


Mind42 is a the best free mindmap tool and helps you to organize tasks and get a better view of what and how things need to be done. Most of the other good mindmap tools have limited free versions except for this one.

Syncback Freeware

Syncback freeware, as the name suggests, is a free backup and sync utility which helps you in managing backup and synchronization tasks effortlessly.


Remember I talked about taking time out and it's importance in the overall time management ? Workrave is a tool which helps you do just the same. It alerts you to take time outs and relax....and enjoy life. :)

Hi Dissertation: The Impact of Social Media on Marketing Strategy!.

Hi Academics insist that Marketing is ‘in crisis’, or 

even ‘broken’. If so, what role can Social Media 

play in reversing this decline? 

This dissertation topic was chosen because then as now, social media were dominating discussion in both Marketing and life in general. They present both challenges and opportunities to organisations. For instance, they have brought about a revolution in how consumers communicate with each other and with organisations – and this has impacted on businesses and how they in turn communicate with their customers.

But Social Media have also affected companies in more subtler but no less important ways, such as forcing them to be more transparent and accountable. This revolution of sorts in business has occurred when Marketing has also been undergoing its own trials and tribulations. Many academics state that it is in ‘decline’, in ‘crisis’, or even ‘dead in the water’. Assuming that is the case, how are Social Media impacting Marketing? This dissertation is intended to answer this question. The author argues that the true value of this research lies in the literature review and its accompanying conceptual framework which proposes that whilst Marketing is in decline, Social Media may offer a way of reversing this decline.
Strategy and marketing strategy are examined first, before the apparent decline in Marketing is explored. The desk research ends with an examination of the areas that social media have impacted on the organisation, and in particular on Marketing. There then follows interviews with Marketing or Social Media representatives from 7 top companies in the UK – British Gas, Dell, first direct, Nokia, Moneysupermarket.com, Birds’ Eye Igloo, and M&S. The conclusion of the research is that whilst there is consensus in some areas between academics and marketers, there is a disconnect in others. Although it is agreed that Social Media are having an impact, practitioners see Social Media in a more tactical sense, whilst academics see them having a broader, strategic impact and role. So the effects are seen as having an evolutionary effect by practitioners rather than the revolutionary one suggested by academics.

Please voice your opinion & suggestions of your feedback & comments in support of future blog view able & downloadable media documents available & chosen in this section Hi Social Perspective such as this dissertation above towards a collections of the different perspectives of social media topics on business trends, challenges & opportunities. Complete the Social Media Content & Format Survey to help us better provide informative future relative material to this context. 

6 Nov 2013

Hi Social Media Communication Tools Explained!.

Hi Social Media Communication Tools Explained!.

The Following is the first of many publications discussing & highlighting the different classifications & types of Social Media we are exposed to and are used and found in Today's Digital Media with their main key function between users is to act as a platform tool for information & its exchange. These are vary diverse strong effective communication tools online in today's society & have previously existed in other less obvious forms.
What Choices are You Ready To Make & Where?
As you read the article we hope it will give and gain a better understanding into the foundation & core of the social media & its use fullness for an individual or collective business approach or communication tool.

Finally i would like to introduce to you the knowingness of your social media online individual identity as a user who might fit in one or more user categories explained below and may further diversify according the Social Media used as suggested in the article above. 

Below is 6 different Social Media users, and which category will you fit in?

Here’s a quick summary of what each one does, or doesn't:

The Creator

This is the person who creates social media for the world to see. This type of user will publish blog posts or web pages, upload videos/images/audio and share content online.

The Critic

The person who responds to content posted by others. Posts ratings and reviews of products and services, comments on blogs and forums and contributes to articles in a wiki.

The Collector

The person who organizes content for themselves or others using RSS feeds, social bookmarking (ex: Digg) and photo or page tagging.

The Joiner

The type of person who joins social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter and maintains multiple profiles.

The Spectator

This type is probably the most common – The person who reads blogs, views user-generated videos (ex: YouTube), reads online forums, listens to podcast and frequently searches for user reviews and ratings.

The Inactive

The person who is online but in no way participates in any form of social media. Doesn't post anything or read anything which is user-generated content. This type is becoming rarer as more websites integrate elements of social media into their website.

Below is an info-graphic released by Forrester Research which shows which US age groups are most common for each of the types mentioned above.

Click Image To Enlarge

Hi Glassdoor Media!

Hi Glassdoor Media!
"Get Hired, Love Your Job, Start Here!."

Hi 5 Steps To Effective Social Media Measurement!.

Hi 5 Steps To Effective Social Media Measurement!.
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