19 Sept 2014

(Hi) 5 Ways to Use #Hash-tags on Twitter.

(Hi) 5 Ways to Use #Hash-tags on Twitter.

Hash-tags allow MARKETERS to engage with users they otherwise wouldn't be able to reach, build branded campaigns, and sleekly measure the results. 
You can use hash-tags in a variety of ways.
We've broken down the five key ways here, but for more insight into hash-tags on Twitter, download our newest E BOOK The Complete Guide to Twitter Measurement .


Use hash-tags to spread the word on a campaign in a way that’s clearly associated with your brand. 
Get creative and monitor your unique hash-tag to gauge the level of ACTIVITY and interest simmering around you, benchmark against other campaigns, and organize fan content to immerse your audience in the experience. 
This works especially well for campaigns based around events, like Marc Jacobs’ show during #NYFW:
Marc Jacobs uses #marcjacobslive as the standard hash-tag for all their runway shows.
Hash-tags for specific topics are often searched and monitored by MARKETERS to find users with specific interests and customer potential.
For example, if Simply Measured tweeted out a link to our Twitter guide with the hash-tags #SocialMedia and #Twitter, we would increase the chance of reaching SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETERS who are interested in learning more and actively searching for content of this type.


There are countless regular “Twitter CHATS” that use hash-tags to allow users to organize conversations. 
For example, if we hosted a regular conversation or Q&A session about social media measurement, we might choose the hash-tag #MeasureChat. 
This allows us to promote a searchable term so that users can view and interact with anyone involved.


When doing research, search relevant hash-tags to discover interests, sentiment, attitudes, and demographics around those hash-tags. 
This is a smart way to PLAN future Twitter campaigns.
This chart from the Simply Measured Twitter Activity Report shows the Tweet distribution for #BanBossy by U.S. metro area, by country, by most ACTIVE users, top users by number of followers, and top users by Klout score.


Different hash-tags can be measured and compared to identify TRENDS, growth, and disparities. 
This is important for recurring or cyclical campaigns and competitive analysis.
For instance, if I am a food DELIVERY SERVICE and/or app, I might track the trajectory of this promoted ad’s hash-tag:
This helps me keep an eye on my competition, while also giving me ideas about what my brand should replicate (or, if it isn't going well, avoid).

Why are hash-tags meaningful to you on Twitter?

Twitter is a network built for speed and marketers can have a hard time keeping up with the changes. 
The second edition Twitter E BOOK delivers the most current metrics and tactics for analysing your brand’s activity. 
Learn what’s changed and how to keep your Twitter strategy ahead of the curve by clicking on the button below and downloading the updated eBook.
 Click Here To Download E Book!.

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