30 Sept 2014

Hi Facebook Engagement Benchmarks >>FREE REPORT<<.

Hi Facebook Engagement Benchmarks >>FREE REPORT<<.

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Can you imagine a world without Facebook? Neither can your customers! In this Facebook Engagement Benchmark report you'll discover findings from over 2 million posts to give you today's most complete performance of Facebook messaging performance. Download now to compare your success metrics with companies most like yours!

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23 Sept 2014

Hi Workbook: Graduating from Email to Engagement: Using Marketing Automation to Achieve Success with Today's Buyer.

Hi Workbook: Graduating from Email to Engagement: Using Marketing Automation to Achieve Success with Today's Buyer.

 Click here to download Workbook.

With each advance in digital communication and with every new information source, social connection, or mobile device improvement, the customer becomes more powerful. 
Tactics that captivated buyers yesterday lack luster today. One such out-of-touch tactic is ordinary email. 
Email remains a core workhorse of communication, but to gain the attention and loyalty of today's discerning buyers — and to avoid irritating them — it must be enhanced with the capability to engage. Communication must be conducted in context, in coordination with the range of communication channels used, and with greater personalization. All companies must now seriously evaluate the timing of their graduation from email to engagement.
This IDC workbook, sponsored by Marketo, has been created to assist companies with that evaluation. 
The paper describes the rationale for making the decision to graduate and provides detailed, practical guidance on the questions a company needs to ask before moving forward.
Download this report by clicking the link here and learn about:
  • The progress toward engaged marketing.
  • The need to graduate from email.
  • Assessing the operational value of marketing automation.
  • Case studies.
  • Assessing your readiness for automated engagement.
  • And more!

19 Sept 2014

(Hi) 5 Ways to Use #Hash-tags on Twitter.

(Hi) 5 Ways to Use #Hash-tags on Twitter.

Hash-tags allow MARKETERS to engage with users they otherwise wouldn't be able to reach, build branded campaigns, and sleekly measure the results. 
You can use hash-tags in a variety of ways.
We've broken down the five key ways here, but for more insight into hash-tags on Twitter, download our newest E BOOK The Complete Guide to Twitter Measurement .


Use hash-tags to spread the word on a campaign in a way that’s clearly associated with your brand. 
Get creative and monitor your unique hash-tag to gauge the level of ACTIVITY and interest simmering around you, benchmark against other campaigns, and organize fan content to immerse your audience in the experience. 
This works especially well for campaigns based around events, like Marc Jacobs’ show during #NYFW:
Marc Jacobs uses #marcjacobslive as the standard hash-tag for all their runway shows.
Hash-tags for specific topics are often searched and monitored by MARKETERS to find users with specific interests and customer potential.
For example, if Simply Measured tweeted out a link to our Twitter guide with the hash-tags #SocialMedia and #Twitter, we would increase the chance of reaching SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETERS who are interested in learning more and actively searching for content of this type.


There are countless regular “Twitter CHATS” that use hash-tags to allow users to organize conversations. 
For example, if we hosted a regular conversation or Q&A session about social media measurement, we might choose the hash-tag #MeasureChat. 
This allows us to promote a searchable term so that users can view and interact with anyone involved.


When doing research, search relevant hash-tags to discover interests, sentiment, attitudes, and demographics around those hash-tags. 
This is a smart way to PLAN future Twitter campaigns.
This chart from the Simply Measured Twitter Activity Report shows the Tweet distribution for #BanBossy by U.S. metro area, by country, by most ACTIVE users, top users by number of followers, and top users by Klout score.


Different hash-tags can be measured and compared to identify TRENDS, growth, and disparities. 
This is important for recurring or cyclical campaigns and competitive analysis.
For instance, if I am a food DELIVERY SERVICE and/or app, I might track the trajectory of this promoted ad’s hash-tag:
This helps me keep an eye on my competition, while also giving me ideas about what my brand should replicate (or, if it isn't going well, avoid).

Why are hash-tags meaningful to you on Twitter?

Twitter is a network built for speed and marketers can have a hard time keeping up with the changes. 
The second edition Twitter E BOOK delivers the most current metrics and tactics for analysing your brand’s activity. 
Learn what’s changed and how to keep your Twitter strategy ahead of the curve by clicking on the button below and downloading the updated eBook.
 Click Here To Download E Book!.

15 Sept 2014

Hi' Eliminate ERP Implementation Risks.

Hi' Eliminate ERP Implementation Risks.

Read how others are using Business Process Modeling to implement Microsoft Dynamics AX with reduced risk. 

Learn how to:

  • Focus your ERP implementation on your business not technology
  • Centralize your knowledge management to ensure a smoother implementation
  • Standardize your solution to cut down on modification, training and upgrade costs
  • Improve the efficiency of your business processes

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Click the following link here or image above to download Or View & save below;

10 Sept 2014

Hi' Social Media Cheat Sheets!.

Hi' Social Media Cheat Sheets!.

New Free Guide:

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Almost every day, a new blog post appears with best practices for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram - and the list goes on. 

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It’s overwhelming even for the savviest PR pros & marketers. 
Our guide is here to help.

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We’ve done the research and chosen the practices most essential to your social media marketing and PR success.
Get the cheat sheets and see how to:
Stand out with visuals.
Increase reach and brand awareness.
Choose the right network for your message.
Reach your target audience.
 Click the image here to download the free guide.
*Get the guide to manage your brand & optimize your social ROI >> Click the following link here Or image above to download Or view & save below;

Thank You For Your Download Today!!!.

4 Sept 2014

Hi' How to Become a Twitter Influencer?: Science and Practice!

Hi' How to Become a Twitter Influencer?: Science and Practice!

Do you want to be a sought-after resource in your niche?
Do you need tips on how to become a Twitter influencer?
To be a leader on Twitter, it’s important to understand the dynamics of Twitter conversations and the role of influencers.
In this article I’ll show you the two most important types of Twitter influencers and how you can become one.

Study and Map Twitter Conversations;

Recently, the Pew Research Group and the Social Media Research Foundation conducted an in-depth study of Twitter conversations. 
They examined thousands of conversations, including the roles of hash tags, re tweets, follows, mentions and specific words. 
They then created maps of multiple subjects to discern patterns and structures.

What they found was a “a taxonomy of six distinct types of conversations” each a different size, with varying levels of interconnectivity and an array of discussion subjects.

Additionally, the study revealed the presence of “influencers” and provided hints as to how an individual becomes one:
Network maps show that each kind of social media crowd has a distinct structure of connection and influence. Key users occupy strategic locations in these networks, in positions like hubs and bridges.
This is the part that fascinates and interests me. I realized that if I could uncover the data characteristics of influencers, I could understand how to become one.
Influencers are the glue of Twitter networks, providing tweet fodder and inspiring passion among followers. 
Conversations don’t exist without them, and their position within networks is a critical component of their influence.
The more capably you navigate the Twitter social sphere, the more influential you become. Based on the Twitter study, there are two types of Twitter influencers—hubs and bridges.

Become a Hub Influencer;

The most powerful type of influencer is known as a hub. They are, according to Pew, “[k]ey people who are at the centre of their conversational networks.”
Hub influencers create virality by starting movements, creating hash tags and populating the trending board. In many cases, a hub is an influential individual or a media organization.
As the centre of a conversational network, a hub influencer tweets new information to a large network of followers, and those followers re tweet that information.
A hub’s tweets rely on original content and information.

In the example above, Paul Krugman wrote an article discussing a government fiscal issue with political implications and the need to “mint that coin!” 
The content was original and proposed a massive idea that would revolutionize governmental spending, because Krugman is a hub influencer, his article was tweeted by a large number of followers and was inflammatory enough to spawn trending hash tags such as #mintthecoin, #rethuglicans and #krugzilla, among others.

The resulting Twitter discussion fell into two of the conversation types Pew found: Broadcast Network and Polarized Crowds.
Becoming a hub isn't easy. 
You must produce original information and that information has to be noteworthy enough to warrant re tweets, and not only do you have to publish original information, but you also must have enough of the right kind of followers to gain re tweets.
You can’t be a hub without having a niche. 
The very word “hub” implies a wheel—a sphere of influence or effect. 
You need to know your niche, and then become highly familiar with its nuances, vocabulary, hash tags and personalities.
Once you settle into your niche, it’s important to form connections
Many hubs have a limited number of people they follow and their influence depends on those who follow them.
If you’re just getting started as a hub, you should follow the most significant people in your network
Most importantly, you should connect to “bridges” (discussed in the next section).

Become a Bridge Influencer;

While hub influencers create viral movements and hash tags, bridge influencers create virality by sharing relative content and connecting related groups.
Pew defines bridge influencers as playing “the important role of passing information from one group to another.” 
Bridge influencers may not produce information, but they publicize it.
Their influence depends on their position. 
Bridges stand between two or more groups, connecting the thoughts and ideas of one group to another. 
They identify relevant points among groups, and serve as a channel for that information
That sharing is often identified as the point at which a message goes viral.
In the example below, there was one group that originally discussed #mla13 (indicated by the number 1). A bridge was responsible for bringing that hashtag virality to another group (number 2).
A bridge influencer identified a popular conversation in a different niche, and then introduced it to their own niche.

To become a bridge influencer, position yourself solidly by connecting to the sources of primary information (hubs) in your niche, as well as those in niches that have an effect on your primary niche.
For example, let’s say a hub such as Search Engine Journal (SEJ) publishes an article on “Conversion Optimization and SEO.” 
The followers of SEJ are primarily in the SEO niche. However, there is another niche comprised of conversion rate optimization (CRO) experts.
Members of the latter niche may not follow SEJ, but the article is relevant to their industry. 
This is where you, as a bridge, bring the SEJ article to the attention of the CRO community—connecting the SEO hub and the CRO community.
To be a successful bridge influencer, it’s imperative to understand the conversational structure in which you exist
If you’re situated within a Polarized Crowd (defined by the Pew research study), you need to understand that these people do not talk much to other groups:
In the Polarized Crowd network map, two large dense groups of people talk about the same subject, but do not connect to each other or use the same words, URLs and other hash tags. There are few users who bridge connections between these groups. Few people who talk about this subject are “isolated” from others; most users are connected to at least a few others.
As a bridge, you can serve as the link between the polarized network and outside conversations.
Finally, you’ll need to discern what type of information is going to serve your niche
If you go too far off topic, you’ll become irrelevant or ignored by your niche. 
You need to sustain a balance of niche-relevant tweets and bridge tweets.
There is nothing easy about becoming a Twitter influencer. 
It requires intention and strategy but once you position yourself as a hub or bridge, you’ll be far more adept at shaping your niche and leading others.
What do you think? Are you a hub or a bridge influencer? What content is most popular with your followers and groups? Leave your comments below.

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