29 Apr 2014

Hi eBook: How To Thrive with Declining Facebook Reach!

Hi eBook: How To Thrive with Declining Facebook Reach!

It is now harder than ever to reach your audience online: new channels are fragmenting audiences, Facebook’s organic reach has declined to as low as 2%, and impressions of branded content are declining.
So what’s a brand to do? This eBook will show you how to:
  • Boost Facebook post engagement.
  • Expand your reach via multi-channel campaigns.
  • Ignite consumer content sharing.
  • Develop a connected campaign strategy.

Click Here To Download .PDF Document eBook Or View & Download Below;


23 Apr 2014

Hi Social Media Tactical Plan.!

Hi Social Media Tactical Plan!
- "Engage.!"
Social media plays an important role in the B2B decision-making process. Use this Social Media Tactical Plan to help you create tactical objectives in order to accomplish the following social media goals:

A. Increase inbound leads at a low cost.
B. Expand reach of thought leadership content.
C. Engage and excite influencers.
D. Better understand, identify, and engage potential buyers.
E. Improve customer service and satisfaction.
F. Enhance outbound campaign program effectiveness. 
- "Refine."
Click The Following Link Here To Download The Sample Whitepaper Or View & Download Below;

18 Apr 2014

Hi How to Create a Social Media Strategy By Spying Your Competitors!?!

Hi How to Create a Social Media Strategy By Spying Your Competitors!?!

1. Are you struggling to create a social media strategy for your business?
2. Lacking insight into the social behaviors of your customers?
- "No data, no problem!"
Chances are your competitors have done all the hard work and all you need to do is look for it.
In this post, you will see how to research the competition’s social game plan so you can build a solid social media strategy of your own.

Finding the Fundamentals:

When it comes to social media marketing, you need to answer a few fundamental questions:
1. Should your business be on social media?
2. What networks should you choose?
3. How do you create a great profile?
4. What type of content should you post, and when should you post it?
Everyone must answer these questions, including business owners who want to create a strategy for their own business, marketing managers who need to convince their CEO to invest in social media and consultants who create strategies for clients in a wide variety of industries.
Fortunately, you can find answers through the process of competitor research.
- "Keep reading to discover how to get insight on your competitors."

#1: Comparing Audience Size:

While you shouldn't obsess about how many fans or followers your competitors have, noting these numbers at the beginning of your campaign can help you answer the following important questions.
- "Noting the number of fans your competitors have can help you answer a few important questions relevant to your own business."
1. Should your business be on social media? 
If your competitors have an audience on social media, whether it is 100 people or 100,000, the answer should be yes. 
Otherwise, your competitors are tapping into a customer base that your business could be completely missing out on.
2. Which networks should your business focus on?
Do all of your competitors have strong presences on some networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, but not others, such as Pinterest? 
If the answer is yes, then it means two things: 1) businesses in your industry do not do well on Pinterest or 2) with creativity, you have a chance to reach a group of customers with little competition.
3. Have you reached all of your target audience?
Competitor research isn't just limited to businesses starting their social media strategy. 
If you have been using social media for a while, but not getting results, take a look at the size of your competitorssocial media audiences to help you gauge whether you are reaching as many of your potential customers as possible, or whether you still have room to grow your network.
- "How to Compare Your Competitors’ Audience Size";
First, you'll want to figure out what social networks your competitors belong to
To do this, start by going to your competitors’ website and/or blog to see what social icons they list in their header, sidebar or footer.
Next, do a Google search for your competitors’ business name
Typically, the social networks they are most active on will appear in the first three pages of search results.
Once you've discovered the top networks your competitors use, you can collect their number of followers/fans simply by visiting their profiles and entering the numbers into a spreadsheet.
Alternatively, you can use the tools mentioned below to find, analyze and monitor your competitors’ audience size and growth.
- "Facebook Pages to Watch":
If you already have a Facebook page, you can use the Pages to Watch section of your admin panel to add your competitors’ Facebook pages to see how many likes they have and monitor their like growth on a weekly basis. 

Simply use the Add Pages link to add new pages to your watch list. 
If you notice a particular competitor has a huge surge in growth, be sure to visit their page to see if they're doing something exciting with their audience.
- "Twitter Counter":
Twitter Counter allows you to look at your competitors’ follower growth for up to three months for free
You can look at one account at a time, or enter two accounts to compare Twitter followers and growth.
- "Wildfire":
To get a quick comparison of the number of Twitter followers, Facebook likes or Google+ circlers your competitors have, try Wildfire’s free Who’s Winning in Social tool
It gives you a current snapshot of audience sizes by entering the profile/page name or URL of your competitors’ social presences.
- "Quickly compare your audience numbers for Twitter with a competitor’s using Wildfire."
After you get stats for the initial three competitors, you can add more competitors if desired. 

The nice part is you can see not only their current audience size, you can also see their growth over the last three years. 

- "Rival IQ."
Rival IQ is a competitor research and monitoring tool that allows you to enter an unlimited number of competitors and compare their social followings with yours.
You can use Rival IQ to quickly glance at and regularly review Twitter followers, Facebook likes and Google+ circles by counts for your accounts alongside your competitors’.

#2: Measuring Engagement:

While audience size can tell you a lot, it can't tell you everything. 
You certainly don't want to emulate the style of a competitor that isn't engaging with their audience, or one that has simply bought their followers and fans to inflate their numbers, not their quality of relationships
This is why engagement must be an important part of your competitor research.
So how do you measure your competitors’ engagement? The free reports provided by Simply Measured are a great place to start.
For Facebook, you can use the Facebook Competitive Analysis Report that will show you in-depth analysis of engagement for up to 10 Facebook pages with up to 250,000 likes
You will get graphs that show you the overall engagement by fans on posts by admins to each page, posts made by fans on each page, sharing engagement, people talking about the brand and an overview of which brands have the best engagement.
After the chart, you'll get a table of the top posts from all of the pages with detailed breakdowns of the type of post (photo, video, text or link) and forms of engagement (likes, comments and shares).
For engagement analysis of competitors on Twittertry the Twitter Customer Service Analysis Report
This shows you details of how your competitor handles customer service on Twitter, along with the number of tweets a competitor sends compared to the retweets and mentions they receive.
For engagement analysis of competitors on Google+, you can try their Google+ Page Report that will analyze any Google+ page with up to 100,000 circlers.
For Instagram engagement analysis, you can use the Instagram User Report that will analyze any Instagram user with up to 25,000 followers.
Both will show you how engaged the audiences of each account really are.

#3: Looking at Profile Setups:

Once you've chosen a few networks to focus on based on your competitors’ audience size and engagement, the next thing you'll want to consider is reviewing your top competitor’s profile setup
This can give you inspiration for designing your own profiles.
In particular, you'll want to note how each of your competitors uses the following profile/page elements.
- "Cover Photos":
Facebook pages, Google+ pages, LinkedIn company pages and Twitter profiles all allow you to have custom cover/header photos
If you have no idea how to design yours, perusing your competitors’ will definitely give you some ideas to work with.
You might find that some of your competitors use the same image for consistent branding like HubSpot does on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.
- "Or you might find your competitors do something a little different for each social network like Ford does on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn."
While you’re looking at cover/header photos, also note the use of profile photos/icons
Are your competitors using a photo of a person or logo
Depending on your industry and business type, this could make a big difference in connecting with your audience.
- "Descriptions":
Next on the list of things to note is the descriptions your competitors use for their business. 
Why are bios, short descriptions and About information so important
It’s simple; you're 160-character Twitter bio could be the first impression a potential customer gets of your business. 
- "You'll want to make that count."
When you're browsing through your competitors’ design, you can also copy and paste their descriptions into a Word document for reference

Or, if you used the Rival IQ tool mentioned earlier, you can see your competitors’ Twitter bios, Facebook descriptions, Google+ taglines and Google+ introductions all together. 

- "Links.":
If you want to get traffic back to your website from social media, strategic placement of your website links is key. 
While analyzing your competitors’ profiles, look at where they place links to their websites, what links they use (homepage, sales page, landing page, etc.) and what calls to action precede the link.
If you look back at the previous image showing the Facebook page descriptions of top social media management tools, you can see that most have a link in their description, and three out of five of those that included a link specifically ask their fans to try their software.
- "Analyze Content Posting.":
Last but not least is the content. After your profiles and pages are set up and you are working toward building your audience, your ongoing goal will be to post great content that keeps your followers and fans engaged with your business. 
Coming up with a content calendar for social media always leads to a lot of questions, including:
1. How often should I post on different social networks? Do people following on Twitter expect more updates than those following on Facebook? Is once a day too much, or not enough?
2. Which types of updates should I post? Should I use links, photos, videos, questions, quotes, etc.?
3. What determines if a post is successful on social media? Should my main goal be retweets, likes, comments, shares or click-throughs?
Ok, so the last question should be determined by your business, but the answers to the first two questions can be learned from your competitors
Outside of scanning through each of your competitors’ posts and noting any posts that seem particularly successful in terms of engagement, you can use the following tools.
- "Simply Measured.":
Simply Measured has a few useful free tools.
If you really want to dig deep into analysis of a competitor’s posts, start with the free Facebook Content Analysis. This tool analyzes the last two weeks worth of posts and breaks down engagement by post type and per post.
The Google+ Page Report and Instagram User Report also detail the top posts from your competitors based on engagement and type.
- "Rival IQ.":
Rival IQ allows you to see the top content from all of your competitors within the last 7–90 days, sorting content by the most overall engagement, likes, shares, comments, retweets, favorites and so on.
Between Simply Measured and Rival IQ, you should never run short of social posting inspiration!
- "In Conclusion":
As you can see, competitor research can help you determine where you should focus your social media marketing campaign, how to get it started and ways to get engaged with your audience
This is the information you need to create a strong social media strategy for your business.

What do you think? Have you performed social media competitor research? If so, what did you learn? What tools would you recommend? Please share in the comments!

17 Apr 2014

Hi 5 Point Tip; View The 5 Ways to Encourage Sharing!.

Hi 5 Point Tip; View The 5 Ways to Encourage Sharing!.

Get Your Customers Talking For You!

Trying to find new ways to communicate with your customers? Get your current customers talking for you! Download 5 Ways to Encourage Customers to Share Your Content to learn ways to engage and motivate your existing brand fans, and create new ones in the process!

Click Here Or The Image Above To Download Ebook. 
This eBook lists and gives examples of 5 creative ways to integrate social into all of your marketing efforts, including how to:

A - Turn sharing into a game.
- Identify, recognise and reward influencers.
- Appeal to altruism.
- Give them something exclusive.
- Let them co-create value.

Alternatively View & Download The EBook Below; 5 Ways to Encourage Customers to Share Your Content.

Hi Tip 6 - Remembrance & Social Highlight & Gratitude!.!

Hi Tip 6 - Remembrance & Social Highlight & Gratitude!.!

6 Tips For Making Presentations Memorable; 6 ways to remember (and be remembered).

No one wants to be forgotten – least of all a presenter. "Make sure your audience remembers your message".

“By invoking specific techniques and practices, you can deliver a presentation that is memorable for both you and your audience, no matter your presentation environment or topic.” 

This brief provides 6 tips that'll make your presentations unforgettableClick Here To Download .PDF File Or View Document Below.

Download the brief to learn; Click Here.

  • Techniques for remembering your presentation.
  • 3 ways to make your message memorable.
  • How to add variety through voice, visuals and evidence.
  • And more...

9 Apr 2014

Hi Advanced Tips for Advertising On Facebook.

Hi Advanced Tips for Advertising On Facebook.

Facebook Ads is an extremely powerful and effective platform, but isn't the easiest to navigate. 
So we asked some of the most influential social media brand marketers for their top tips for advertising on Facebook, and the result was this guide.
Download & View this free guide to learn Facebook Ads best practices, including:
  • A crash course on using Facebook Ads.
  • What type of content performs best.
  • How to use your ads to reach the right audience at the right time.
  • Ways to optimize for highest engagement at the lowest cost.
...and much more. Click the link here to download the full guide Or View It Below!

1 Apr 2014

Hi Social Media Scoping Brave Downloads.

Hi Social Media Scoping Brave Downloads.

Click Here To Download Or View Below White Paper On Social Media Calls To Action That Get More Action.

Hi Glassdoor Media!

Hi Glassdoor Media!
"Get Hired, Love Your Job, Start Here!."

Hi 5 Steps To Effective Social Media Measurement!.

Hi 5 Steps To Effective Social Media Measurement!.
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Hi E Community Portal Blog.
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